黃金賊 ( Golden Squid )
台中市西屯區文華路12-8號( No.12-8, Wenhua Rd., Xitun Dist., Taichung City)
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        黃金賊(Hang chin tsei) 店家將整隻烏賊中間包覆海鮮燉飯油炸後淋上特製的醬汁。不但可以吃到新鮮的烏賊更可以吃到道地的海鮮燉飯。特殊的吃法絕對令你耳目一新。 The vendor wraps whole squid and seafood with risotto, and then fries and dress with sauces. You can not only eat fresh squid but authentic seafood with risotto. This new delicious food will give you unforgettable fresh taste.