阿三哥滷味(A San Ke Soya-mixed Meat)
台中市西屯區文華路3號之3(No.3-3, Wenhua Rd., Xitun Dist., Taichung City)
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        阿三哥滷味(A san ke lu wei) 總是很多人排隊的阿三哥滷味,滷汁入味,加上酸菜配味,又香又甜,甜中又帶鹹,多種食材可以選擇。老闆娘還另外加賣一鍋麻辣鍋底,裡面有鴨血、豆腐、貢丸,滷味真是逛夜市好選擇。 The soya-mixed meat is a sort of deli. There are always many different kinds of soya-mixed meat you can choose.They also sell the spicy ducks blood cakes, tofu and meat ball.