家家福(Chia Chia Fu)
台中市逢甲路20巷37號騎樓前( No.37, Ln. 20, Fengjia Rd., Xitun Dist., Taichung City )
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        家家福(Chia Chia Fu) 當你走進逢甲便當街,你會發現一攤黃金色的小攤販,那正是家家福,將地瓜切成細條狀下去炸的薯條,在將地瓜炸至金黃色,保證讓你一吃上癮 On Feng Chia Night Market’s ‘bian dang’ street (lunch-box street), there is a gold-colored vendor’s stand called CiaCiafu. They sell deep-fried sweet potatoes. These are cut into large slices and cooked until the skin is golden brown. Once you try it. You’ll love it.