小白薏仁牛奶(Hsiao Pai Pearl Barley Milk)
台中市西屯區文華路7-1號 (No.7-2, Wenhua Rd., Xitun Dist., Taichung City 407)
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        小白薏仁牛奶(Hsiao Pai Yi Jen Niu Nai) 這間是薏仁牛奶專賣店,老闆提倡透過每天喝薏仁牛奶就可以健康美麗,店內所有的飲品都是100%新鮮果汁,絕不使用濃縮果汁,也沒有添加任何人工香料。即使在冬天也有熱的飲品可以提供給大家。 The most popular drinks in this store are made with pearl barley milk. The boss feels that drinking pearl barley milk every day can make people healthy and beautiful. The tea shop also uses fresh fruit in all their drinks.