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01. 新埔百年桔醬老店-合發金桔醬
He-Fa Kumquat Sauce Shop is a hundred-year-old shop in Xinpu.

02. 義順桔醬-與合發桔醬位在同條街上(相距不到100公尺)
Yishun Kumquat Sauce and He-Fa Kumquat Sauce shop are located on the same street (less than 100 meters away)

03. 義順桔醬-也是百年老店喔!
Yishun Kumquat Sauce Shop - is also a hundred-year-old shop

04. 酸桔皮與果肉也必須經過24小時的泡水
The sour peel and pulp of the kumquat must be soaked in water for 24 hours.

05. 義順桔醬分成大罐與小罐兩種-價格差20元
Yishun kumquat sauce comes in two sizes-big and small. The price is twenty NT dollars apart.

06. 放涼後得桔醬-準備罐裝囉!
After cooling the kumquat sauce,it's time to can it.

07. 義順主打商品是製冰-桔醬是其中一項
One of Yishun's main products is popsicles, and kumquat sauce is one of the flavors.

08. 銀龍桔醬-位在芎林至新埔的路上
Silver Dragon Kumquat Sauce Shop is located on the way between Cyonglin to Xinpu.

09. 桔醬產品走包裝與精緻路線-展示櫃的樣品
Kumquat sauce products are packaged well and fine as the - samples in the display cabinets.

10. 銀龍的商品內容-桔醬也可以這樣吃喔!
Silver Dragon's product label suggests that - kumquat sauce also can be eaten in this way.

11. 桔醬產品採多樣包裝-也有桔醋喔!
Kumquat sauce products are packed in various styles. Kumquat vinegar is also for sale.

12. 產品分成大、中、小三種-價格也不同
The product comes in three sizes and the price differs accordingly.

13. 據老闆表示-該店已送禮客戶為主要消費群
According to the shop owner, most customers buy their products as gifts for others.